Venusian Twin Flame Beacon




The Beautiful Venusians have guided this activation to turn you Aura into a beacon to magnetize your twin flame’s frequency.

It is inevitable that we will all meet our energetic counterpart in this life, however sometimes it takes a VERY LONG time to find each other. You will see all the signs that your twin flame is close and circling your field but this can go on for years. Constantly just missing each other.

Or maybe you have met your Twin Flame and are living in the archetypal hamster wheel of ‘The Runner’ and “The Chaser”. The activated dynamic of the runner and chaser can cause so much unnecessary frustration and heart ache.

This Venusian technology will expedite the process of connecting with your Twin Flame in this physical realm.
Amplify the magnetic draw to one another so you can avoid years of longing.

You will only need to receive this activation once for the codes to integrate into you Aura. After the initial activation follow your intuitive call. If you ever feel drawn to receive the activation again, this is your Higher Self calling for further integration. It knows the precise prescription your Aura needs to magnetize your Twin Flame.

Make sure you rest and hydrate on days of Activation.

Cannot wait to hear all the love stories!

Love and Light

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