Unlock The 10th Gate: Astral Projection Activation




You are a multi-dimensional being (I know you hear this all the time, but you are!) who has the power and capacity to travel to all dimensions, hidden realms and time streams of reality. Many of us can feel this capacity within ourselves but we lack the direction, guidance and more importantly the Key. This is a multi-layered activation to unlock your 10th Gate, your Crown Chakra and begin practicing Astral Projection. Become comfortable with moving outside the boundaries of your physical body. Skillful projectors can easily travel forward or backward through the space-time continuum, the subtle body can spend hours at the bottom of the ocean or the far reaches of space. This is a voluntary out of body experiences that begins to strengthen your psychic muscles.

The main layer of the activation will guide you through grounding into the Diamond Heart of Gaia, opening your Crown and actual projection. A slight practice of travel will be directed and reintegration with your physical vessel. The passive layer of the activation will support your ability to separate your Subtle body from your physical body. The Mudra shown in the photos of the item description combined with the codes will allow you to fully open your Sahasrara Chakra, the thousand petaled Lotus on the top of your head and begin traveling at the speed of thought.

Receive the codes and practice with this exercise as often as you are intuitively guided to while laying down or sitting meditatively, through headphones at a medium volume.

Sat Nam!


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