These Codes are NOT for You




These codes are for your WATER!

Our universal solvent H2O has a very absorbent nature. She takes on the qualities of her immediate surroundings in very obvious ways but her memory is far more dynamic than what our eyes can see. There are many scientific studies showing how water crystals change into beautiful structures when different types of music are played to it. They change to match the frequency of classical or heavy metal and even prayer.

The beautiful Sirians guided these codes with specific instructions that they should be played next to drinking water before ingesting. They will assist you in all matters concerning integrating your new 5D capabilities and consciousness. I recommend playing next to a large amount of water and drinking through out the day ( but it can be used for small amounts as well that is just my suggestion for efficiency).

When you drink it you will be able to receive the power of the codes at a cellular level.

Take the codes within you.

Literally embody your ascension.

Make sure to tell your water “Thank you” and “I love you” before you drink it.

The results are en-CHANT-ing.

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