The Alchemy of Self Love


The Alchemy of Self Love

The Alchemical Trinity 




…must all be healed for a true reality shift, and for your reality to stay shifted. This Alchemical Practice will open a space into an inner dimension where you can meet your True Self and accept your Infinity. Your multidimensional nature. To love yourself, you must know yourself. You must expand beyond your body. Identifying with the vehicle of the Soul-the body, is the cause of all suffering. Through our Sadhana, our allergies to our Self are washed clean from our thought patterns, cellular structures and Subtle Bodies. This is a transformation through Glandular Alchemy that cultivates love of the Self at the particle and wave level of our pure Conscious Form.

The Mind creates high vibrational neuron pathways through the practice of the Ancient Buddhist Rose Cloud Metta Meditation.

The Body creates the glandular secretion sequences of the High Beings of Love and Ascended Masters through the personal Sadhana of the Buddha and Yeshua the Christ. The Magical Food diet builds new cells for the avatar from foods that vibrate at the frequency of Love, allowing your physical vessel to hold higher frequencies of Light.

The Spirit/Subtle Bodies connect to our present consciousness through a Pleiadian Light Language/Reiki activation, clearing all energy blocks caused by the illusion of Separation.

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