Shift Your Shape with Sirian Shapeshifting Cymatics




Matter is the stuff in the universe, and sound is a vibration of energy moving through that stuff. Sound affects Matter. This is fact. The Mer-People of Sirius B are Master shapeshifters who are sharing their amazing Cymatic Technology with us so we can begin shifting our physical avatars into the shapes that we desire.

Our body is mostly water and the Sirians use this fact to manipulate their cells. The speed at which water molecules vibrate changes their state. The activation will raise the frequency of your cells to reach a gaseous formless state, while suspended in this state your cells will begin looking for a shape to return to and they will follow the mold set by your thought forms. Holding the image and feeling of the shape you desire in your mind will “teach” them where to go. Then your cells will be decelerated to return them to the vibration of our third density.

The same way vibration causes water to shift from steam to ice, your cells will follow the Cymatic frequencies and light codes turning them malleable and then solid again.

This is a bit different than weight loss, because it will not change your mass, just the shape of it. It is amazing for slimming and it can be used for ANY shape you wish to attain.

This can be used as a daily practice or as needed. All your cells will need to feel the frequencies layered within this activation, so it is best to not use headphones.

Please do not use while driving or heavy activity. It is best received while laying down or sitting meditatively.

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