Root Chakra Activation


Root Chakra Activation

The Muladhara Chakra lies above the Perineum, between the rectum and the genitals within the Central Pillar of Light that runs parallel with your Spine. It is the foundation of the Microcosmic Orbit of Qi circulating through the torus of your Aura. The energy moves up the legs from the Earth Star Chakra and meets in the Root Chakra, right above our rectum area. This Chakra is a forgotten treasure of our energetic anatomy. Completely neglecting the Lower Chakras causes a plethora of problems in our Life Mission on Earth. The Root Chakra is blocked by fear and various forms of trauma. Fear of lack is held here and as this Chakra controls our ability to magnetize material worldly wealth. 

Inactive, or blocked Root Chakras can lead to feelings of sluggishness, inability to lose weight, stubborn lower belly fat, body dysmorphia and eating disorders. Psychological symptoms of blockage include: anxiety disorders, displaced fear, panic attacks, worry, overthinking, depression, nightmares, emotionally disconnected, disconnected from the body, anger/rage, general resentfulness towards existence.

This activation was gifted by Star Nation with a pure sample of the ascended Schuman Resonace from at its current frequency. Most Schumann Resonance sound clips available in our dimension are from years ago and Gaia’s Resonance has raised so much! This Ascended Schumann tone will awaken your Root and bring your energy into harmony with Gaia’s current and accurate resonance. There is a layer of a Bioacustic recording of a Red Tigers Eye from the vortexes in Sedona, Arizona that is powerful beyond belief. In the 5th Dimension and higher, the Root Chakra is the anchor point for energies of the Spirit (Subtle Body) and The Soul (Soul Body) to integrate with the 5th Body, the physical body. It also deals in the realm of catalyzing the Kundalini to move up the spine. This Root Chakra activation will bring your Chakra system to the necessary capacity to begin moving the Kundalini energy up to the Pineal Gland. The tones of the Root Chakra Singing Bowl are in the tone of C, the note of the Root. The same note that a Beehive vibrates at, which scientists are now learning is healing for those with emotional disorders. The sound cures PTSD and other fear based sicknesses because it clears what is being held in the Root. The Light Language is channeled from the Feminine Deep Earth Elementals of Shamballa. 

This activation is amplified when received outside, sitting on the Earth or with Barefeet on the Earth. Shungite, Hematite, Tigers Eye, Obsidian, Emerald, Amber and Tourmaline will heighten the field for the codes to work through. Should not be received while driving. This can be played as many times as you like, though one time is all that is needed for the codes to integrate. Best received through headphones at a medium volume while laying down or meditating. 

For deeper work with the codes, chant 11 recitations of the Mantra a day for 40 consecutive days after receiving the activation. Mantra Sheet and Mantra audio will be available to download with the Earth Star Chakra Activation. 

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