Pleiadian Beauty Codes




Let us talk about the word attract-ive. If you find someone or something attractive, they have an invisible pull on you…they draw your eyes and your heart towards them. Sort of like a…MAGNET??!!! Exactly! The “IT Factor”. The “je ne sais quoi”. I can’t put my finger on it, she just has “something about her” quality. Is quite literally because she does have something “about” her…around her…HER AURA.

Ok now let us talk about our Aura. Yogis call it your Radiant Body (the Pleiadians share this expression). Scientist call it your Electro-Magnetic Field. Everyone has one no matter what you call it. But like all things Electric or Magnetic they operate a various degrees of strength. Weak magnets can not hold and weak electricity cannot produce a charge. A weak Aura will can not attract.

The Pleiadians have designed this sound technology for those who want to drastically strengthen their Auras. When your Aura reaches its’ peak capacity the trim of it becomes golden. And who doesn’t want some Gold? We all know how impossible it is to NOT look at anything sparkly. I would not recommend this activation for an introvert or shy person because the oncoming attention may be overwhelming.

If you have been guided to this activation I am so excited for you! Harness the power of presence and projection! Activate the ability to unconsciously DRAW in any and everything you desire.

This activation will complement Cosmic Miracle Gro if you have already downloaded those codes. This particular technology is more intense.

Let’s get Attract-ive sisters and brothers.

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