Ommakura Teray


Andromedan Codes of The EverMother

Ommakura Teray, one of the three Andromedan EverMothers, shared this transmission with me at the opening of the Hybrid Eclipse Portal on 4.19.2023. This unique Eclipse is carrying all sorts of energies into our realm. Technologies laying dormant within our Etheric and physical bodies are being turned on. The avatar is being shifted out of its carbon density and into the silicon based light body of Homo Luminos. A massive wave of Hybrid Children are using this portal as an entry point to begin their Earth Missions.

These Codes are for ALL BEINGS on Earth who want to experience the 12 Dimension. The average human avatar is a conglomerate of at least 22 different ET races. So many bio-individual blessings will unfold from these codes specifically for your unique Auric field. This activation can be used to connect with Andromedan Beings and the Andromedan Galaxy. This is not only for their starseeds. However, Andromedan Starseeds will have a very powerful resonance with these codes. The vibrations of the EverMothers are ones that all Andromedan beings experience intuitively recognize at a Soul level. The activation has a frequency of the phonic translation of a standing light wave, measured from the Milky Way Galaxy to the Andromedan Galaxy. This is a measured connection from Earth to Andromeda, converted into sound. A literal Sonic Bridge. The sound of this Cosmic Chord is what allowed me to hold the consciousness of such a high vibration as Ommakura Teray and channel her codes.


Sat Nam! Happy Eclipse! See you on the other side!!

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