Medbed Healing Connection to Sirian Starship Timeless


I have been given permission to begin connecting you beautiful beings to the 4,628 Medbeds of the Sirian Starship, Timeless.

This is an Astral Body connection that will allow you access to the incredible technology of the Sirians. All physical ailments have an energetic source that can be rapidly eradicated through the high frequency technology of our Sirian Guides and their amazing craft, Timeless.

I will need a photo of your Crown Chakra (top of your head) to establish the connection, as well as your name and date of birth. Please include any specific health issues you would the focus to be, if any. Please schedule your connection time on an easy day that you have off so that physical adjustments can be established.

This is a beautiful resource for those who may have no obvious health issues, for energetic replenishment, maintaining a high vibration in low vibrational environments, smoothing out the ascension symptoms for those undergoing powerful upgrades, establishing interdimensional communication, and way more than I can list. Please ask me any questions you may have!

Timeless is a Sentient Ship. She is conscious and so amazing to work with. She is a complete Matriarch, nurturing, loving and full of endless wisdom. Establishing this connection to her is such a beautiful experience, I am so honored to be able to finally offer this service to our collective!

Love and Light



Please schedule here:

I will need a photo of your Crown Chakra (top of your head) to establish the connection, as well as your name and date of birth. Please email them to:

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