Little LightWorkers Cosmic Chakra Activation




This is a guided exercise to ground in and activate the Chakras of our little light workers, including the much neglected Earth Star Chakra. Connecting them to their Emotional/Soul body is vital at a young age. As adults, many of us have only just discovered our chakras and the benefits of balancing and clearing them. Imagine how much trouble we could of avoided if we were aware of these energy centers within us from a young age! Learning how to activate and balance their own chakras is so empowering and will make life much more harmonious.

I recommend doing this activity with your little one but it is easy enough for them to try on their own. Light language activations for each chakra is layered and plays simultaneously at a low volume so it isn’t too distracting to the little star sprouts.

Our Crystal, Rainbow, Indigo and Star Children always seek out the most high vibrational womb to carry their incarnation onto our Earth Star, so if you are a Starseed, the chances are very high that your child is also! Even if you are not sure what your child is :), if they have chakras and a soul (which they do) this activity is going to do wonders for them.

Love and Light

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