Lemurian Regression




The Portkey to Lemuria

This activation is designed to trigger the memory release of Lemurian encoded data within your Soul Star Chakra, Auric field and your cellular memory. If you are reading these words, it’s because your Aura read them first and your Higher Self is ready to remember!

This was an especially tricky activation to create. It took me almost 3 months! The timestream that was opened within the audio required codes to be channeled in a very precise way. One layer could only be created with the Codes of Pluto’s Cave that were given to me from the Telosian Guardians of Mt. Shasta. These things are always worth the time taken to create them bc the effects are life changing. And I’m so blessed to share them to you.

The guided regression will take you through the timestream of a Lemurian Dreamwalker, and as you walk through the paces of their day your awareness will reconnect with key anchor points of the collective life practices of a Lemurian being. These are things that almost all beings who have lived a lifetime in Mu will have experienced or seen. The Anchor Points will infuse your aura with the codes of Mu. Triggering memory releases of Lemurian data into your subconscious mind which will integrate into your awareness. Regenerating the Lemurian templates within our conscious fields allows the Template of Mu to rise again within the conscious field of Earth/Tara/Gaia. I am deeply honored to be on this journey with you.

This is a “regression”, so it is longer, 44 minutes will require you to have some time to receive AND integrate. Receiving codes in Astral from the Great Central Sun, the Lemurian Ocean and Earth grids, and ingesting HIGH vibe Lemurian fruit essences will fill your Subtle Bodies with creative joyous energy. The second layer of audio is light language and an ancient Lemurian language that will allow you detach from this world and fully immerse your Soul in the beauty of Mu. There is also a subtle layer of Gong and mantra for healing and protection.

Sat Nam.

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