Lemurian 5D Chakra Activation




The Lemurian High Priestess will activate three of your 5D Interpersonal Chakras:
*Earth Star
*Casual Chakra
*Soul Star

She will infuse the first Chakras in your Auric Field with living Lemurian Seed Crystals. The fusion will disassemble the 3D Chakra composition and activate the 5D formations.

Activating your Earth Star Chakra, the guiding light Chakra that is always traveling 6 inches beneath your feet will make it much easier to intuitively follow your Soul’s Mission on Earth. This 2 way channel of energy directs all negative energy within your Aura into Gaia where she can decompose and transmute it into fertile creative energy. An inactive Earth Star can cause constant blockages to return within your chakras because the energy cannot be channeled properly into our Earth Mother. As causes a sense of disconnection to what we are doing here.

Our Casual Chakra. Our personal moon, that resides 6 inches behind our head is our connection to Angelic 12D realms. Ruled by Arch Angel Christiel, it is the channel of our Divine Feminine wisdom and compassion. The female embodiment of Christ Light. This Chakra is also a 2 way channel for moonlight. Directing the light of the moon directly into our Heart Center and our 4 bodies. A dormant Casual Chakra causes the Divine Masculine energy within us all to become overactive. This will make us unable to connect to all things unseen, unable to use the psychic gifts we have brought with us from past/parallel lives. Once the Casual Chakra is activated it will remain so for the rest of our current incarnation.

Soul Star Chakra. Our personal Akashic Record. This Chakra records all the information gathered during every incarnation your Soul has experienced. Activating this chakra will allow you to gently breech the veil of amnesia that makes it so difficult to know what our Purpose is, what our Soul is trying to learn. Open your consciousness to Higher Realms through this gateway of the Ascended Master’s.

Divine Light will be allowed to pour down through the Stellar Gateway into your Soul Star in a spiral around your spinal column to your Earth Star and then work its way back up. Never ending loop of connection to Gaia and the Ether accelerates all awakening and opens your soul to knowledge, advancements and continuous upgrades.

If possible receive this activation outside! (Not necessary but optimal)

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