Inner Ring of Light Activation


The Pyramidion Code

You are the Capstone. Your DNA holds the dormant coding that activates the Star Gate of the Pyramids of Giza. So many of us have powerful connections to the Empires of Egypt and Atlantis. If you have lived under the Tel-Har field that was created by the Tri-Pyramid StarGate of Giza, then the codes of the Golden Capstones are within your Soul Star Chakra and Arcline of your Aura.

Tapping into this ancient-future technology that functions according to your bio-individuated frequency gives each person who receives this activation their own personal inheritance held from past life times in ancient Egypt.

The portal within the Kings Chamber will open you to a interdimensional superhighway of energy, your personal Pillar of Light will be connected to the Sun Star of Earth where it will receive the Prana of the Earth Grid and Heavenly Grid simultaneously, catalyzing a circulation of energy within your personal MicroCosmic Orbit (Small Heavenly Orbit).

Align your personal Microcosm with the Macrocosm of the Cosmos. This is the Aeon of Horus. The Age of Aquarius. This is the era of the Homo-Luminos. Awaken the dormant Angelic-Human Template within you. Receive from the cosmic channel of energy that is your true nourishment. It will heal and awaken.

This activation a bit of an advanced practice. There is an Open Eyed Mediation required in the beginning of a provided image that has been activated to enhance remote viewing. Once connected to the Pyramid you will follow a guided meditation to circulate the cosmic energy to sequential energetic centers within your astral anatomy. There is a layer of light language codes of Divine Mother Isis and layer of protective mantras and the sound key of Gaia.

It is impossible to generalize what everyone will receive from this activation. Our past/parallel lifetimes are all unique and our accumulation of merit and demerit from the way we spent those lives determines what is awaiting you within the Kings Chamber. What is guaranteed is that the energy that will begin to circulate within your central channel is a high frequency cosmic energy, so integration will dissolve 3D density, blockages, lethargy and inertia. This Golden Light will begin to emanate through your auric field as a personal protective Pyramidion.

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