GridWorker Sadhana


The Earth Keepers Sadhana

What is my purpose on this planet? What is my Souls’ Mission? High vibrational beings born in a world of sleeping consciousness find themselves asking these questions almost every day. This world of mechanical consumerism leaves us wildly unfulfilled. The gnawing depression caused by a purposeless existence. The hamster wheel of this matrix crushes our spirit and sends it out searching for answers. Often this search leads us to our akashic records and past lives, viewing of our soul contract where we often find the term Gridworker.

But what is a Gridworker?

We have an ability to see the unseen and know the unknown. Since we were children we have sensed more than those around us. Nature speaks directly to us and gives secret peeks at her inner dimensions and fairy realms. Solar flares rock our world and we cannot stop looking at the Schumann Resonance. Animals give us messages all the time and we find ourselves just “called” to different sacred sites on the Earth. Healing is our love language and the trees show us their faces. Pollution and war keeps us up all night and breaks our hearts all day. These are just a few ways our gifts reveal themselves in their unawakened states. A gridworker who is awake and aware of what she is and what she can do is called a Keeper. A neutralizing agent of light on this polarity planet. A Keeper of the Earth Realm. Willingly stepping into the role your soul came to play rockets you into alignment with your Destiny frequency. A Keeper is aligned with the will of Divine Mother. Gaia speaks to us directly and we rush to her call. We have the strength to channel and focalize higher vibrational energies into the lower density of this dimension. Anchoring celestial light rays into the crystalline grid of the Planet Earth. We reactivate the sacred sites that have gone dormant during the Kali Yuga. We clear and heal the damaged places on the Earth caused by extensive violence, poverty, dark magic and generations of suppression. We allow Mother Gaia to rise.

The Keepers have many devotional practices designed for those who seek to mastery in the quantum art of interplanetary energy healing. These practices come from lineages that began in Lyra and are tailor made to awaken and purify the energy bodies of this specific human avatar. This sequence of practices clears and energies your Subtle Body allowing communication with Gaia telepathically-from her Subtle body (the crystalline holographic earth grid) to your Subtle body. This clarity of the subtle body allows for your to remain awake and aware during astral travels and meditative projections, so that you can quantumly tap in to anywhere on the globe and send healing or shielding there in your astral form. The Sadhana shows you how to harness Ether and bring it into the Earth with sound and through your physical vessel. It opens the channels in the pranic body that sends healing energy through the palm chakras. And finally the Sadhana has a practice that teaches one how to send the energy through the palm chakras and into the earth or another human or animal or anything that needs healing using the Keycode Sound of Gaia. It is a full package, a sequence of kriyas given specifically to Galactic Keepers who have chosen to actively devote themselves to their purpose. You will develop the skills to see and hear Gaia clearly, call in heavenly energies and send them where they are needed. As you master these practices they will reveal more and more of their hidden dimensions that cannot be spoken.

This matrix is made of sound. A keeper of this realm must work with sound and the sacred sound codes that shift the unseen layers of this dimension. Many of these secret codes are hidden in plain sight within mantras. Within the Earth Keepers Sadhana you will receive a “secret” mantra that is used for protection, astral projection and has a secret level to it, that raises the Crystalline Grid of Gaia. This mantra is for all healing, but for a Gridworker it holds a secret realm that unlocks inside of you as the mantra-shakti ripens within your consciousness. As you chant it you will begin to see the shining structure of the planet’s subtle body reveal itself to you.

Remember, Gridworker, your physical body is made from Mother Gaia. You will find her crystalline grid, sacred sites, portals, vortexes, ley lines, stargates, and hidden inner realms are also inside of you. Micro-Macro. As you serve the Mother and your mission and heal the parts of her you are being called to, you will find you are also healing these places within yourself. I hope you commit to this Sadhana for at least 90 days. Results will be seen and felt immediately but this is a Sadhana and must be done consistently to master the practices. The more it is done the more it will reveal so if you are called to this work joyously embrace the commitment to your Highest Destiny. 40 days will build a foundation. 90 days of will place you in a new cycle of consciousness. 120 days will place you in a higher dimension of existence and 1000 days unlocks the Siddhi (supernatural power)

The practice is an hour long and should only be done once a day. Results are wonderful when the practice can happen the same time everyday. If you can work the Sadhana outside that would be amazing but not necessary. Upon completion of the Sadhana, the mantra is to be recited 11-108 times. An audio is provided with the mantra sheet for proper pronunciation and the recording holds 11 recitations.

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