Good Grief: Remote Energy Healing for Depression Anxiety cord cutting dark entity removal




Cosmic Compost

Transmute all the bullshit into wonderful rich fertilizer for LOVE.

The Lemurians gifted us these codes and guided the design for each layer of magic you will receive during this activation. An extraterrestrial up-cycling of all the negative vibes trapped inside of us. Stuffed away and ignored for so long we forget they are there until they rear their ugly heads. These codes are designed to metabolize these feelings so, unfortunately, they must be FELT.

If you feel tears welling up, let them spill. If you feel like screaming, please, let it out. The codes will draw it out of your depths so that their energy can be harnessed.

Lemurians honor the Rule of One, this means that our sadness is made of the same elements as our happiness and this activation will allow these feelings to be transmuted into their positive aspects. But like I said they must be released for this to happen. Do not resist ANY feelings that bubble to the surface. Let them wash over you so the codes can work their magic.

Some of our shame can be traced all the way back to when we were in utero! Perhaps your mother was given Pitocin or an unwelcome c-section where, you ,as a baby went from bliss to a flood of feelings forced upon you of “why is this happening to me??” ” I am not ready!” Our very introduction to this planet can be one of chaos and fear that leads to a lifetime of feeling like you just don’t belong here or you have no purpose. Grief and Shame inhabit us through more obvious ways as well but, as our minds tend to try to protect us from unpleasant feelings, they are stuffed away and never allowed to be felt.

The Lemurians have given us the chance to deep clean our spirit. I hope you seize the opportunity. The results are enlightening.


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