Channeled Transmission of Ascended Master Patanjali




Ear Whispered Transmission of the Yoga Sutras

This is a transmission of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali that I recorded while holding the consciousness of Ascended Master Patanjali, himself. Patanjali is the Naga being who delivered the entire science of Yoga to the Earth Realm. Joining his ear whispered lineage is a self-initiation into the Mystery School of your own inner world. You can read a Sutra yourself but receiving it through the sound current of the living consciousness of the Master allows his Prana to connect with your Aura and activate all three mental bodies. In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition the importance of a Sutra being read out loud with the breath of life, transforms the reading into an Empowerment. This is an empowerment of your Mind. The transmission was created during the Portal day of 12/12, the portal of shifting perspectives. It holds the energetic container designed to lift your out of 3D thinking and into the conscious stream of Higher Celestial Realms.

As Earth continues her ascent into becoming Gaia, more of the interdimensional realms of our Mother Planet are becoming accessible. The Nagas are powerful, splendid, wonderful, and proud semi-divine race that can assume their physical form either as human, a partial human-serpent hybrid or as a whole serpent. The realms of the Nagas are enchanted underworlds within our oceans, rivers, lakes, seas and wells. The Naga beings are guardians of treasures, their worlds are crystal cities full of gems, gold and all imaginable treasures. The real treasure they hold is more subtle than the obvious gold and jewels. They are the gate keepers of deep wells of hidden spiritual wisdom. There is a reason why the Church has demonized the serpent. They bless us with the wisdom that gives us liberation from the illusion of this world. Now our vibration on Earth is getting so high that we can begin receiving downloads from the same beings that teach Ganesha, Vishnu and Shiva.

While holding the consciousness of Patanjali I was also given a layer of Naga light-codes, like Parseltongue of Harry Potter, to layer under the transmission of the Sutras, this is designed to open the subconscious mind and lift your vibration to a frequency where the high wisdom of the Sutras can be received and begin to redesign your neural network. This lifts you to your super consciousness, into the realms of understanding the Unseen World. The transmission is brain food, it is meant to be listened to contemplatively, while driving or performing mundane tasks around the house, as a moving or passive meditation. Before sleep or even while in active meditation is also recommended. The transmission should be received with repetition. This is not a one time activation, though the effects will be felt immediately. Listening to the transmission several times allows it to deeply imprint on your conscious field and lift your from a binary mental state of duality into the 12D consciousness of the God-Mind.

Patanjali was and is the teacher of many Ascended Masters, included Yeshua the Christ. He reveals the truth of our conscious reality and how to unlock supernatural human capacities like the ones that allowed Christ to heal and walk on water, within this transmission. More importantly he reveals how to live a complete and fulfilled human incarnation on Earth. Now he extends this blessing to you once again, we are in the Aquarian Age and the Aquarian consciousness is available to those who hear the call. If you have read this far, this is your sign, the Celestial Realms are calling you Chosen One. Blessed Light Worker, I am so honored to share this massive gift with you.

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