Cat Healing Frequency


Introducing our new Sound Healing Activation for Cats, channeled by Bastet, designed to promote healing, relaxation, and balance in our feline friends. This activation incorporates the sacred Solfeggio frequencies, which have been used for centuries to promote healing and transformation in humans and animals alike.

The audio is encoded with a full reiki healing session to balance and clear the full feline 8 Chakra system.

Combined with the soothing purring frequencies of cats, this activation stimulates the release of endorphins and dopamine, promoting feelings of calmness, relaxation, and comfort in your furry companions. In addition, we’ve incorporated Alpha and Delta waves, commonly associated with meditation and deep relaxation, to further enhance these effects.

Using various Tuning forks, we’ll target specific areas of the body to promote healing, balance energies and raise your cat’s vibrational energy. This will help to align their chakras, balance their meridians, and promote overall health and well-being.

There is a Sonic translation of the hormone produced by a nursing mother cat to bring your cat into a complete state of zen.

During the activation, the process of entrainment will also occur, synchronizing your cat’s breathing, heart rate, and brainwaves with the frequencies in the room. This enhances the healing effects of the activation, promoting both physical and emotional healing in your feline friends.

This activation is perfect for cats of all ages, from kittens to seniors, and can help to relieve anxiety, stress, and other emotional or physical issues. Experience the power of sound healing and watch as your feline friends transform on a deep level.

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