Black Magic




Black “Magic”:

Energetic Cleansing Technique of The Star Nations

Chromatic Healing Technology is one of the most fundamental techniques used by the psychic healers of the Star Nations.

You, as Starseeds, Intuitives, Empaths, Healers, Witches, Shamans and all incarnates of this timeline who wield the Light must be vigilant about your spiritual hygiene. Cleansing and clearing your energetic body is equally, if not more necessary than cleaning your physical body.

Light workers use the full spectrum of light for all varieties of healing techniques. From medically assessing the color of one’s Auric field, amplifying the colors of our Chakra wheels or shielding ourselves in white light, color is a powerful technology that is easy to forget about.

This specific technique is the first lesson given to the Energy Healers of the Alcyone. It is being delivered in this activation in the exact same manner. The second layer is supportive light language to amplify psychic channels of energy that will allow you achieve the full potency of this practice. Beginning with the fundamental shades White and Black. This activation utilizes the absorbent nature of the shade of Black to remove all energies, parasites, entities, attachments, black magic, psychic attacks, programs, and intrusive thought forms that are not of you or are no longer serving you. Anything that needs to be released will not be able to escape the vortex of Source light.

You should utilize this practice sitting meditatively with your eyes closed and palms opened and facing up to allow your energy ball to form properly. You can work with this practice as many times as you need. It is only 15 minutes so it can be utilized throughout the day as needed. Once you feel ready, use this practice without the audio, summon your healing vacuum of Black light whenever and wherever you need it.

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