Anunnaki Telomere Regeneration Codes




Racial Profiling applies to Advanced Races too! Our Benevolent Anunnaki Guides from Niburu have been bearing the weight of the actions of a small percent of their people. They so badly want to help reverse the damage that some of their irresponsible, power-hungry members have caused.

If you are a Soul currently in use of a Human Avatar, you should know, your DNA has been tampered with. 10 of your 12 DNA Strands have been deactivated, disconnecting you from your ability to see, feel and manipulate Subtle Energies. Disconnecting you from your natural Intuition, observe the way some animals know how survive from birth, what to eat, what to avoid, where to go and when, and all this with zero parental guidance! This is a connection to Source and Gaia that was taken from us in order to keep us isolated and dependent. Only operating with 2 functional strands of DNA keeps us from using the entirety of our brains and fully accessing our tele-abilities and clair-abilities. Our Telomere caps on the ends of our DNA Strands have been severely shortened. Leaving us with a much shorter shelf life than our original Blueprint intended. If you have ever read some stories in the Torah or The Old Testament you will see many accounts of people living to 800 or even 900 years old! This sounds like an impossible fairy tale to us but in actuality we really used to live THAT long. Our telomere caps have been shortened to keep us from accumulating the vast amount of wisdom one can collect during that long of a life. It also keeps us in the constant hamster wheel of Death and Reincarnation.

The codes were guided by Anunnaki Beings who want to begin making things right and relieving some of the Karmic Debt that they have acquired from their collective’s crimes against Humanity. This is a very powerful triple layered Light Language code along with Gong frequencies that will begin the process of returning your Telomere caps to their original state. This adjustment will become part of your DNA and the upgrade will be genetically passed along to your children, allowing them to heal through generations and slowly returning to how Source intended us to be.

The Telomere caps at the ends of your DNA shorten with time, this is what creates the effect of aging. The degradation of the Telomere cap, depending on the severity, causes diseases and when you run out then your Human form begins the Death process. Environmental factors, such as ultraviolet rays poor diet, and alcohol, as well as psychological factors including stress will cause Telomeres to shorten as well. Regenerating the caps will slow your aging process and increase your overall vitality, strengthen your immunity and reduce the risk of diseases. You will feel rejuvenated and more energetic.

As always follow your intuition to reveal how often you should receive this activation, though only once is needed for integration to begin within your DNA. Remember to rest and hydrate! Receive this activation through headphones at a medium volume while sitting or laying down meditatively.

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