Angelic Activation of the Female Lunar Centers




The Lunar Centers that are within the female human body are monumentally powerful energetic centers, which is precisely why they have been hidden from common knowledge for most of post-Delugian history. We have officially entered the Age of Aquarius and these hidden teachings are beginning to resurface, as well as many other forms of disclosure.

Women have always been associated with the Moon, without a lot of explanation as to why. You are literally a Moon Goddess! If your Soul is operating a human female vehicle on Planet Earth, then you have 11 lunar centers and every 2.5 days one of them will become active. This is why women are seen to be fluctuating and emotional. Commotional and unstable. The constant movement of the lunar energy through her lunar centers without her awareness will make a woman appear like an emotional mess. The energy shift in your body runs parallel with the phases of the moon, in a 28 day cycle your lunar center will change every 60 hours.

All moon centers revolve around the chin, a man has only one, in his chin. The energy is stable because he grows hair in this area which greatly calms the Lunar effect. When you chose the to be a female during this incarnation you chose power, in a world that is hellbent on subduing that power. You have an extra organ, arcline, an auric field that is 16 times more dense than a man, you are literally a portal of souls and express your immortality once a month. Imagine all the trouble that has been caused by a woman making important financial decisions while her lunar center is in her Cheeks or having a serious talk with a potential romantic partner while her Navel center is active? You always hear men talking about how “crazy” women are and it is only because they are completely ignorant of this major energy that is moving through them. Now imagine if she knew to save all projects for when her Inner Thigh or Hairline Center was active? Scheduled a date for when the Back of the Neck was active? Or saved a hard talk for when her Lips center was active? The world would be her oyster.

Years of ignoring these centers has caused desensitization . Archangel Christiel offers a solution. This activation is very different from my others. It is many layers but the main layer is an emotional integration. Krystiel will temporarily move your Causal Chakra to channel 12D Angelic light to each lunar center while I explain the feelings associated to this particular center. The 2nd layer of light language will activate your center, so let yourself listen to the words and imagine along with them while holding your focus on that Lunar center being activated. The 3rd layer is the frequency of the Moon to raise that energy in your body and the 4th layer is an ancient mantra that activates the Shakti Feminine energy stream. Redevelop your knowing of the technology of the woman.

Once you have received this activation begin to track your Lunar Centers and their movements by paying attention to the shifts in your moods, there are some apps that will help like “My Moon Map”, or you can just write it down and check in within every 60 hours. The pattern will not be the same every month, you must record for a whole year to find your personal pattern. If you experience a severe emotional trauma the pattern may be disrupted.


Hairline: clarity and stability
Cheeks – unpredictability
Lips – communication
Ear lobes: intelligence and ethics
Back of neck – romance
Breasts – compassion
Belly button – insecure
Inner Thighs – affirming
Eyebrows – imaginiative
Clitoris – talkative
Vagina – depth and sharing

“There are eleven sites of the moon on a woman, through which the moon moves in a 28 day cycle, spending 2 1/2 days at each center. The sequence varies with each woman, and it does
not coincide with her menstrual or zodiacal moon cycle. It is different with each woman but the sequence remains constant in any individual woman except in the case of an emotional shock which does change it. It can be predicted and known only by observation. A woman can always feel it if she just concentrates with sensitivity.“

This activation will allow you to reconnect with your power source. Knowing when to stay and when to go, when to speak and when to be silent. This awareness will make you virtually unstoppable. Activate your Lunar Centers and rule your world.

*This activation must be received while laying down on your back, through headphones at a medium volume. It is highly recommended that is is received before you go to sleep or when you will have time to rest after this major energetic integration.

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