Ancestral Healing Activation


Light Code Artist: (Gloria)


“When we heal ourselves, we heal the past, present and the future.”

We have entered a Phase of our Planetary Ascension where quantum leaps can be made. Through our souls journey our experiences effect all of our timelines. Our choices allow us to gain merit or demerit. These cycling energies are called Dharma and Karma. The karma accumulated in past lifetimes changes the experiences we are able to have in our current life. The people you connect with, the wealth you can gain, the health of your body and our capacity to self-realize are all controlled by past actions. Even Starseeds are subject to the Karmic element of the third dimension. Especially since many of us purposefully picked bloodlines to incarnate into that are full of samskara so we could break the generational “curse”.

These energies are magnetic in nature and determine what you attract and repel. They create your vibration and their resonance penetrates deeply, all the way to the cellular level. Meditation, prayer, penance and good deeds will change the course of your experiences in this life and future lives, but what of the residual karmic energies that are held in your physical body? You have liberated your family but what of you?

When for example, your family has obsessiveness around food, this could possibly relate to a time when there was scarcity around food and your ancestors were literally starving. Have you inherited an innate fear about not having enough to eat or enough money? This epigenetic inheritance can riddle us with behaviors like addiction, violence, physical or mental disharmonies, obesity, diabetes, cancer, eating disorders, mental illness, depression anxiety, and the list goes on.

This activation comes with a channeled light code that will project your consciousness to a Suspended Chamber of Akashic Resonance. Listening to the encoded audio while in an open-eyed meditation will remove the karmic burdens you carry and free yourselves to live your lives empowered and connected to the True Self: the Self of expansion, bliss, and freedom at the core of your being.

You may also work with these codes in a relaxed meditative state or while sleeping. They are so adaptable are even able to be played passively at a low volume within the home. The frequencies can benefit all members of your blood line.

To further activate the power of the codes begin a daily practice of 11 recitations of Ant Na Siftee, the 24th Pauri of Japji-the Thunderbolt that breaks generational curses and brings familial happiness.

Sat Nam.

24th Pauri-Ant Na Siftee

Ant Na Siftee Kehn na ant

Ant na karnai dayn na ant

Ant na vaykhan sunan na ant

Ant na jaapai kiaa man mant

Ant na jaapai keetaa aakaar

Ant na jaapai paaraaavaar

Ant kaaran kaytay bilalaa-he

Taa kay ant na paa-ay jaa-ay

Ayho ant na jaanai ko-i

Bahutaa keheeai Bahutaa ho-i

Vadaa saahib oochaa thaao

Oochay oopar oochaa naao

Ayvad oochaa hovai ko-i

Tis Oochay kau jaanai so-i

Jayvad aap jaanai aap aap

Naanak nadaree karamee daat

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