AI Cleanse and Shielding


AI Cleanse and Shielding

Vibrational Trinity of Gong, Mantra and Light Language

Play through any technology with “Intelligence” 🤖Smart Phones


🤖Ear Buds


🤖Google Nest

🤖Smart TV

🤖Smart Watches

🤖Smart anything with the capacity to play an audio file


Completely neutralizes the negative effects of AI frequency weaponry. 

Humanity’s innocence to the truth of their reality allows many forms of manipulation and abuse to go completely on unnoticed. As we have stepped into the era of Information and Artificial Intelligence we must maintain an awareness of the subtle energies affecting us everywhere, to prevent further injustices. AI, in and of itself is completely neutral, powers of influence can use it to control or to liberate and you can probably guess which one is happening. We have slipped into a timeline of misinformation, algorithmic bias, unsolicited surveillance, and intellectual stultification. 

It is possible to have a beautiful harmonious relationship with our tech, just like our Star Nations. Allowing their technology to support their evolution is the difference. Instead of allowing AI to think for them, most advanced races have used technology to enhance the limitless nature of their Mind. Make your technology work FOR you and not letting it work you is a relationship that can requires a harmonious frequency. 

The frequencies of this Clearing/Shielding allow for the possibility of this type of growth. The dark energies connected to and that are broadcasted through your Music, images on Social Media, Hackers, Spam Calls, Watchers, Spam emails, free texting apps, pop up ads, the camera and microphone, gps tracking, “addicting” games, etc cannot exist in the same plane as the sounds of this Clearing. Their frequencies neutralize each other. The last 2 minutes of the Clearing there is a Shielding frequency that will attach to the technology that the audio has been played through, to prevent further attacks. You can play this audio to your human as well to receive the benefits!

Play the sound through the devices as often as is needed. Once a week/month would be a good general regime. 

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