3rd Eye Surgery


Is your third eye open but it has an astigmatism?

Have you activated your AJNA chakra? Can you see through the veil but the clarity is blurry and fleeting? Messages received but too cryptic and left to misinterpretation.



Is your third eye open but it has an astigmatism?

Have you activated your AJNA chakra? Can you see through the veil but the clarity is blurry and fleeting? Messages received but too cryptic and left to misinterpretation…

MYSTery will always be the nature of the MYSTtical. The ethereal will always lean towards the unseen but this little lullaby is dripping with Pleaidian light codes designed to sharpen your Divine Sight.

See clearly and discern. Choose wisely and learn.

Love you My Brothers and Sisters! Kings and Queens. Oracles and Shamans. The collective needs your gifts. If you have been drawn to this activation…if you have read this far, take this as confirmation and do your intuition a favor. Listen. Integrate. Embody. Ascend.

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